Version 11

Version 11.3.4 – 19 July 2022

  • Improvement: Head to Health MDS extract updated to support current data specifications
  • Improvement: DEX MDS Updates for specific client.

Version 11.3.3 – 29 June 2022

  • Fixed: Central Intake Inbox status (zero) not shown in search filter.
  • Fixed: Term replacement not working for generic notes and documents.
  • Fixed: Central Intake Consent with file not saving.
  • Fixed: MDS Validation Fix links not working.
  • Fixed: Note alert time corrected.
  • Fixed: Preferred contact method not showing in client banner for some generic modules.
  • Fixed: Generic add referral upload from DOC.
  • Fixed: DEX MDS – Commonwealth Financial Counselling and Financial Capability DEX adjustments

Version 11.3.2 – 23 April 2022

  • Security: Block File types that pose a security risk.
  • Improvement: Create a copy of fxQuery when turning on sessions feature in a Generic Module.
  • Improvement: Show method of contact in client name banner when enabled.
  • Improvement: DASSA – Provide Free/Busy API payload based on supplied CSV template
  • Improvement: Assessment – Update DEX SCORE: Client Goals
  • Improvement: Assessment – Update DEX SCORE: Client Circumstances
  • Improvement: Columns removed from user export.
  • Fixed: Required flag for Dynamic Data not working.
  • Fixed: Notifications not dismissing when dismiss button clicked.
  • Fixed: Unable to add Category Type Management.
  • Fixed: Incorrect user icons in the Action Plans Summary Page.
  • Fixed: Minor Issues fixed with DASSA Appointment Processing.
  • Fixed: PMHC Session Add not saving Transport Field.
  • Fixed: K10 Total score now calculated correctly.
  • Fixed: Consent types not showing all uploaded documents link.

Version 11.3.0 – 11 April 2022

  • Security: General security improvements
  • New Feature: Generic High Level Alerts widget
  • New Feature: Generic Clinician Clients widget
  • Improvement: PMHC Program Streams – Limit to single active case
  • Improvement: DASSA – New field for PDDI Episode number
  • Improvement: Data Import – Export templates from Data import screen
  • Improvement: Administration – Set MFA on New Users
  • Improvement: Client SMS interface updates
  • Improvement: Central Intake – add Consents panel to Add Referral
  • Improvement: Central Intake – Referral – Organisation lookup and autofill details
  • Improvement: Update Central Intake Inbox search criteria
  • Improvement: DASSA – Remove Clintel status update workaround
  • Fixed: PMHC – Referral Outcome – Reason not saving
  • Fixed: Quick add not saving when program stream includes Suicide Flag
  • Fixed: DASSA – Notes missing alert text and showing duplicates
  • Fixed: Admin user search view headings incorrect
  • Fixed: Reduce Assessments in Redicase MDS
  • Fixed: Note alert display issue
  • Fixed: Note Template feature was missing from generic module config

Version 11.2.0 –  11 February 2022

Version 11.1.0 –  Released December 18, 2021

  • Security: General security improvements
  • New Feature: PMHC Program Stream Additional Configuration
    • Episode Copy (aka Copy Case)
    • Referral Date limitation
    • Suicide Risk Flag defaults and locking
    • for details see this page: Program Stream Additions
  • New Feature: DASSA Referral processing added to Central Intake module
  • New Feature: Add LDDSWQ HS Outcome assessment
  • New Feature: Added custom MSE assessment
  • Improvement: PMHC Suicide Referral Flag default may be set by Program Stream
  • Improvement: Update IAR & IAR (8 Domains) Assessment score logic per PMHC MDS
  • Improvement: IAR (8 Domains) Assessment option to include Client Contact Details on export to PDF/Word
  • Improvement: PMHC Client Search now includes Alias / Preferred name in Given name search field.
  • Improvement: Updated PMHC module Case Search staff member list
  • Improvement: Purchase Order Widget number of days configuration can be set up to 1000 (increased from 400)
  • Improvement: Generic module referrals Other Demographics defaults can be set
  • Improvement: H2H Referral processing API updated to V3
  • Fixed: Generic module sessions can now correctly add sessions with the same start date as the Referral
  • Fixed: Copy Safety Plan Assessment error fixed

Version 11 –  Released November 29, 2021

  • Security: New key vault manager added
  • New Feature: New UI updates to Fixus users interface
  • New Feature: Added email template manager to Fixus administration
  • New Feature: New Generic custom JavaScript Editor added to Fixus administration
  • New Feature: New rate manager added to Fixus administration
  • New Feature: Notification added enhance communications and collaboration
  • New Feature: Note mentions added, When a user is mentioned within a note the staff member receives a notification and email message.
  • New Feature: PMHC import and export of PMHC MDS for use in external systems added
  • New Feature: New PMHC widgets added
  • Improvements: Central Intake inbound email improvements
  • Improvements: PMHC widget permissions added
  • Fixed: PMHC MDS export for external CIMS systems
  • Fixed: Exception error when viewing cases with assessments that has a field that exceeds 4000 characters
  • Fixed: High level widget alerts permission when trying to view a case from the widget
  • Fixed: Updated and Fixed many general layout issues
Updated on July 21, 2022
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