This guide will show you step by step how to Add a new Referral in the PMHC module. We have even made it easier by including short videos to help.
Explanation of Sections
Referral Source: Details of Referral and Referral’s Organisation.
Basic Demographics: Client’s Personal details.
Other Demographics: Client’s Other Personal details (including housing).
Additional Referral Information: Other Referral questions.
Risk Factors: List of client’s Risk Factors.
Residential Address: Client’s Address details.
Program Information: Program Streams available.
Consent: Client’s Consent for Referral and Data.
Assigned Team: Agencie’s Team to be assigned to a Referral.
Client’s Session Group: Clients Group Sessions.
Referral Outcome: Referral Outcome Status.
- From the dashboard locate the Add Referral option in the sub menu.

Referral Source
- Select Referrer Organisation Type from the drop-down list.
- Select Referrer Profession from the drop-down list.
- Add Referrer Name into this field.
- Add Referrer Organisation/Clinic into this field.
- Add Referrer Phone into this field.
- Add Referrer Email into this field.
- Add Referrer Suburb/City into this field.
* Note: This will auto populate the Referrer Postcode field. - Add Referral Date into this field.
- Add Referral Commenced Date into this field.
- Check (if required) Provisional Referral check box.
- Check (if required) Peer Worker Referral check box.

Basic Demographics
- Now you can search for an existing client by selecting Search for Client.
This will pop-up a search window for existing clients. You can search by Family Name, Given Names, Alias/Preferred Name.
The Search results will show Name, Gender, DOB and any active cases in the PMHC module. - To select an existing client, click on Select for the client’s record.
- If you cannot find the client, you can click Import Details which will close the pop-up window and place the search details you entered into the relevant fields.

Other Demographics
- Select a Suicide Referral Flag from the drop-down list.
- Select a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan Flag from the drop-down list.
- Select a Homelessness Flag from the drop-down list.
- Select a Labour Force Status from the drop-down list.
- Select an Employment Participation from the drop-down list.
- Select a Source of Cash Income from the drop-down list.
- Select a Marital Status from the drop-down list.
- Select a Health Care Card from the drop-down list.
- Select a NDIS Participant from the drop-down list.

Contact Method
- Add a Contact Method by selecting +Add Contact Method button.
- Select Contact Type from the drop-down menu.
- Add Contact Details for Contact Type.
- Check (if required) Preferred Contact Method if the client’s chosen Contact Type is the Preferred Method
- Check (if required) Text Preferred if the client choose a text message over a phone call.
*Note: You can add multiply contact methods by following this process

Residential Address
Add a Residential Address for the client.

Program Information
- Select Program Stream from the drop-down list.
- Select Principal Focus of Treatment Plan from the drop-down list.

*Note: With the introduction of PMHC v4, you may see some new fields. These fields should be defaulted based off the program stream you select.
- Select Does client consent to referral ? from the drop-down list.
- Select Does client consent to anonymised data? from the drop-down list.

Assigned Team
- Select Select a Team from the drop-down list.

Add Support Staff
- Check (if required) Add Support Staff.
- Select Staff Member from the drop-down list.
- Check (if required) Add Primary Contact.
*Note: By default, you are set as this client’s support team member. You can change this to another staff member in your agency, and this can be changed later in the process.

Client Session Group
Select Group Type from the drop-down list.
*Note: Optional: If the client is using group sessions, you can assign them to a default group type here.

Referral Outcome
- Select Referral Outcome from the drop-down list.
* Note: If “ineligible” is selected, you must select a reason for not accepting referral from the drop-down list. - Select Referral Outcome Date from the date picker.
- Click Save to create the referral.