Generic Case Note Category Notification This Generic Widget shows users a list of cases that have a Note within the selected Category.
Generic Cases without a Session Widget Shows a list of Cases that have not received a Session for a user-defined number of days.
Generic My Sessions Widget This Widget shows a list of Sessions that are assigned to the user, it can be configured to display Sessions by Status Type.
Generic Risk Overview Widget Displays a list of cases that have a Suicide Referral Flag or any risk factor. Note Category of 'risk note' or a note that has a priority of alert.
Generic Clinician Case Status Widget Displays a list of Cases where the user is set as the Primary Support Team Member.
Generic Incomplete Assessments Widget Displays a list of Cases with Incomplete Assessments. This can be configured to show select Assessments or all Assessments that are currently enabled in the module.
Generic Inactive Case List Widget This Widget displays a list of Cases that have not received attention within the specified time frame. The minimum timeframe is one day.
Generic Unacknowledged Cases Widget This displays Referrals that have not been acknowledged within the specified time limit.
Generic Unassigned Cases Widget Displays the Client Name, DOB and any PMHC Episodes (including Episode Id, Program Stream, Referral Date, and Status) where Episode Status is 'Pending' or 'Active', and there is no Staff Team Member assigned to the Episode.
H2H Gateway Telemetry The Head 2 Health Gateway serves as a data portal for incoming referrals from Head 2 Heath to the Gippsland...