Bug Fixes
- Note time defaulting to current date and midnight
- If a Start Time for an appointment is entered, entering the End Time moves in 1 hour increments
- Note Visibility and Priority default to no value when editing a Note
- Unable to edit a Resource in Knowledge Base without errors
- Non Agency Staff Members appearing in the Assessor drop down for both NDIS Assessments
- Help not displaying on user profile page
- NDIS eligibility questionnaire PDF export showing incorrect date
- Knowledge Base created and updated times are in UTC timezone
- Adding a widget to a blank dashboard doesn’t work
- Staff Member can be added multiple times via the Details tab
- Update Action Plan Support Team tab to the
angular version to resolve;
- Unable to remove Support Team members
- Unable to add Service Provider Contacts (Partners in Recovery)
- Suburb, State and Postcode list updated with latest localities data
Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs)
Bug Fixes
- Error sending email after assigning member to team (on edit assigned team page)
- PHaMs waiting list clear resets all fields – needs to retain Phase = Waiting List, Status = Pending
- Add back in the (Unassigned) option when searching Cases
- Cannot set a participant to “Not Accepted” at referral as it requires Stream and Program and this is not part of the “Not Accepted” page
Partners in Recovery (PIR)
Bug Fixes
- Issue with Principal Mental Health Provider Search not working correctly
- Error sending email after assigning member to team (on edit assigned team page)
- Position is displayed as null when adding service provider contact to support team if contact has no position/role defined
- Actions cannot be deleted from copied Action Plans
- Add back in the (Unassigned) option when searching Cases
Partners in Recovery (PIR) – System Reform
Bug Fixes
- Error updating action status in Reform Plans
- If Enquiry Register email notifications are turned off, a duplicate enquiry is created
Bug Fixes
- Validate Report functionality for Respite not working correctly
- Error sending email after assigning member to team (on edit assigned team page)
- Client search not working properly in service groups
Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS)
Bug Fixes
- Cases Requiring Attention Widget is no longer working correctly
Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program (MHNIP)
Bug Fixes
- Validation for same type of session on same date is no longer working
- Fix MHNIP Payments export to show attached Staff Members instead of the creator of the session
- Update all MHNIP search pages to use new search templates
Generic Case Management Module
Bug Fixes
- Client search not working properly in service groups
- Generic Client Banner – Sex description column too narrow
- Term Replacement not working in the Generic Episode/Client banners