This is an option in the Administration > Data Import > “PMHC-MDS IAR-DST Assessment Import”.
The import process searches the Fixus database for an episode record within the PHMC module with an Episode Id that equals the “episode_key” or a Referral Id that equals the “referral_id” value in that order. When it finds one, it creates a new IAR-DST assessment and connects it to an episode.
If an episode record is not found, the process skips to the next row within the import file.
The import process requires as set of values provided as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file:
- Episode Key (Fixus GUID, optional if Referral ID provided)
- Referral Id (Fixus Referral id eg ‘123456’, optional if Episode Key provided)
- Measure Date (date of Assessment, dd/mm/yyyy, required)
- Collection Occasion (text to match Occasions “Start”, “Review” , “End”, required)
- IAR Item {1..8} (integer 0 – 5, required)
- IAR Item {1..8} Comment (text, optional)
- IAR Level (text similar to labels ‘1’, ‘3+’ etc, required)
- Practitioner Assess Level Of Care (integer 0-5 or blank, optional)
- Comment (text, optional)
Either an Episode Key or a Referral Id can exist. If both exist the Episode Key will be used for the lookup. Most fields are required (comments are optional), and a list of errors will be shown prior to import.
The first row within the datafile must contain the following column header values:
- “episode_key“
- “referral_id”
- “measure_date”
- “collection_occasion”
- “iar_item1”
- “iar_item1_comment”
- “iar_item2”
- “iar_item2_comment”
- “iar_item3”
- “iar_item3_comment”
- “iar_item4”
- “iar_item4_comment”
- “iar_item5”
- “iar_item5_comment”
- “iar_item6”
- “iar_item6_comment”
- “iar_item7”
- “iar_item7_comment”
- “iar_item8”
- “iar_item8_comment”
- “iar_score”
- “iar_practitioner_level”
- “referral_outcome_note”
Check the attachments to this article for a sample import file.
During Import, the data will be validated to check required/optional values, formatting (eg Dates) and any expected values (such as collection_occasion), and will return an error if any errors occur with the row of the source file that caused the error.
Note that only those records that display an error have been excluded. ALL OTHER ROWS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY IMPORTED. This is important, as simply fixing the invalid row(s) then re-importing will re-import the successful records and cause multiple records.