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Mail Merge Templates

Users may provide MS Word Templates which can have MergeFields added to automatically extract data from Fixus when generating the documents.

It is not obvious how to insert Merge Fields to a Word document without doing the MS Mail Merge silly-datasource-dance, but you can: Insert > Quick Parts > Field (select ‘MergeField’ from Field Names list) > type field name etc) or refer to the following link

After inserting the appropriate Merge fields, save the Document and load it…? Where?

Privacy Note: Several fields (especially any ‘Clientxxxx’ fields) are Client’s Personally identifiable information (PII) and should be treated carefully. These fields are marked with a ‘(PII)’

Field Description
«RecipientName» Contact Name of selected Recipient (may vary depending on recipient selected for template)
«RecipientOrganisation» Org or Business Name of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientAddress» Primary street address of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientSuburb» Postal suburb of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientPostcode» Postal Postcode of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientWorkPhone» Work Phone number of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientFax» Fax number of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientMobile» Mobile Phone of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientEmail» Email address of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientHomePhone» Home Phone number of selected Recipient (if any)
«RecipientWebsite» Website/URL of selected Recipient (if any)
«ClientFirstname» First name (only) of Client (PII)
«ClientLastName» Last name (only) of Client (PII)
«ClientFullName» Client’s full name, combingin First Name and LastName (PII)
«ClientDateOfBirth» Client’s Date of Birth in format dd/mm/yyyy (PII)
«ClientDateOfBirthLong» Client’s Date of Birth in format dd/mm/yyyy (PII)
«ClientBirthday» Client’s Date of Birth in format dd (PII)
«ClientAge» Client’s Age in years now, based on Date of Birth
«ClientGender» Client’s Gender (Female / Male / Other) (PII)
«ClientHeShe» Client’s Pronoun based on Gender (He / She)
«ClientHisHer» Client’s Pronoun based on Gender (His / Her)
«ClientFullAddress» Client’s Full Street or Postal Address, formatted as Address <newline>City/Town State Postcode) (PII)
«ClientContactDetails» Client’s preferred Contact info (PII)
«AgencyName» The name of the support team member’s agency
«AgencyAddress» The address of the support team member’s agency
«AgencySuburb» The suburb of the support team member’s agency
«AgencyPostcode» The postcode of the support team member’s agency
«EpisodeId» (Fixus Internal EpisodeId)
«ReferralId» Episode/Case Referral ID field
«ReferrerName» Contact name for the Person from the Referring Organisation for an Episode/Case
«ReferrerOrganisation» Organisation Name of the Referring Organisation for an Episode/Case
«ReferrerFax» Fax number of Referring Organisation for an Episode/Case
«ReferrerPhone» Phone Number Referring Organisation for an Episode/Case
«ReferrerProviderNumber» Referring Organisation Provider number for Episode/Case
«ProgramStream» Episode/Case Program Stream Name
«ReferralOutcomeType» The referral outcome type of the episode – from a lookup table
«ReferralDate» Date of Referral for an Episode/Case
«Diagnosis» The Principal Mental Illness Diagnosis the episode
«DisabilitiesList» The list of disabilities for an episode
«ServiceProvidersList» The list of service providers for an episode
«CurrentServices» The current services for an episode
«ReferringIssues» The referring issues for an episode
«Hospitalised» The year of last hospital for a PIR case
«PrincipalServiceProviderName» The name of the Principal Service Provider for an episode
«NdisMobilityImpact» The impact on mobility for a PIR episode
«NdisCommunicationImpact» The impact on communication for a PIR episode
«NdisSelfCareImpact» The impact on self care for a PIR episode
«NdisSocialInteractionImpact» The impact on social interaction for a PIR episode
«NdisSelfManagementImpact» The impact on self management for a PIR episode
«NdisLearningImpact» The impact on learning for a PIR episode
«PrimaryContactFullName»Full name of the first contact record found marked as primary
«PrimaryContactPhone»Phone for the first contact record found marked as primary
«PrimaryContactEmail»Email for the first contact record found marked as primary
Updated on June 6, 2023
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