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Dashboards widgets

Add work tracking widgets to your dashboards to show status, progress, or trends.

PMHC Widgets

Global Alerts
Display currently active global alerts within the system.

Displays a list of appointments for the current staff member.

Clinician Case Status
Displays a list of clinicians for a specific agency and the status of the assigned cases where they are the primary contact.

Incomplete Assessments
Displays a list of your incomplete assessments.

High-Level Alerts
Displays a list of high-level alerts for managers.

Case Note Category Notification
Display a list of cases that have a note with a certain category set.

Risk Overview
Display a list of cases that have a Suicide Referral flag, Any Risk Factor, Note category note of “Risk note” or note that has a priority of “alert”.

Unacknowledged Cases
Displays a list of your unacknowledged cases.

Cases without a Session
Display a list of cases without a session.

Inactive Case List
The list of clients who have not had a recent session.

Unassigned Case List
The list of clients that have not yet been assigned.

Clinician Client List
The list of clients is available for the clinician to view.

Client List
List of the user’s assigned cases clients.

Unassigned Cases
List of the logged-in user’s unassigned cases

General Widgets

Displays a list of appointments for the current staff member.

Displays a list of articles from the Knowledge Base.

Case Note Category Notification
Display a list of cases that have a note with a certain category set.

Cases without a Session
Display a list of cases without a session.

Unassigned Case List
The list of clients that have not yet been assigned.

Clinician Client List
The list of clients is available for the clinician to view.

Clinician Case Status
Displays a list of clinicians for a specific agency and the status of the assigned cases where they are the primary contact.

Inactive Case List
The list of clients who have not had a recent session.

Incomplete Assessments
Displays a list of your incomplete assessments.

My Cases
Displays a list of all cases for the current staff member.

My Sessions
Displays a list of sessions.

Purchase Orders
Displays a list of purchase orders with the selected statuses.

Client List
List of the user’s assigned cases clients.

Unassigned Cases
List of the logged-in user’s unassigned cases.

Central Intake Widgets

Displays a list of appointments for the current staff member.

Enquiries By Region Chart
Displays a chart that represents enquiries by region.

Enquiries Received Chart
Displays a chart that represents enquiries received.

Enquiries Resolved Chart
Displays a chart that represents enquiries resolved.

Outstanding Enquiries
Displays a list of outstanding enquiries for Central Intake.

Displays a list of referrals with a risk of suicide or where the allocation was not accepted.

Referrals Processed Chart
Displays a chart that represents referrals processed.

Referrals Received Chart
Displays a chart that represents referrals received.

Updated on February 28, 2022
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